Sunday, August 25, 2013

Post Defcon

As usual, Defcon was quite inspirational.  I have decided to dig deeper into Python so that I can better understand many of the great pentesting tools out there.  I also picked up a great book - Violent Python. I wrote this simple script after just reading the first 20 or so pages:

# Import Modules
import hashlib
# Gather value to hash
v = raw_input("Enter your value: ")
print "Which hash algorithm do you want to use?"
# Select has algorithm
a = raw_input("md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512: ")
# Generate hash
h =
# Present has to user
o = h.hexdigest()
print "Your hash value using the " + a + "value is: " + o

More to come!

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