Thursday, March 27, 2014

Configuring Pyinstaller

1. Install Python 2.7
2. Create a folder for all your scripts
a. C:\bin
3. Install PyWin32
b. Select pywin32 and the latest build.
c. Choose the installer for your system
i. Processor architecture
ii. Python version
d. Execute the installer

4. Install Pip-Win
b. Download current version and move to your scripts folder (C:\bin)
c. Run the executable following the directions
d. When the Pip-Win window opens, enter the following command and hit run:
i. venv -c -i  pyi-env-name

e. A new command window opens.  Run the following command within this window:
i. pip install PyInstaller

f. The previous task will finish setting up the environment.  Subsequent sessions require you to open pip-Win with the following parameters for the run command:
i. venv pyi-env-name

5. Creating a Windows executable.
a. Launch pip-Win
i. Use venv pyi-env-name in the run command
ii. Ensure your python script is in the c:\bin folder
iii. Use the following command:
(pyi-env-name) C:\bin>Pyinstaller --onefile
iv. Browse to the following folder for .exe
1) C:\bin\dist